Process Monitoring of the project Transitional Shelter and Wash support for the Rohingya Refugees and the Host community

SM Moinur Rahman Conducts Process Monitoring of Rohingya Refugee Shelter Project

Freelance consultant SM Moinur Rahman recently conducted a process monitoring of the project titled “Transitional Shelter and Wash Support for the Rohingya Refugees” in Ukhia, Cox’s Bazar. This project, implemented by the NGO GUSS with financial assistance from IDRF and Muslim Aid USA, aims to:

Improve shelter conditions:

Provide transitional shelter assistance to vulnerable Rohingya refugee families and the surrounding host community.

Distribute warm clothes:

Offer essential non-food items (NFI) to support vulnerable refugees and host communities.

Increase shelter durability:

Implement the Transitional Shelter Assistance (TSA)2 program, allowing refugees to choose and improve their shelters.

Reconstruct and maintain infrastructure:

Address critical needs by reconstructing and maintaining existing shelters, water wells, and tube wells.

Build capacity:

Enhance the capacity of stakeholders for sustainable operation, maintenance, and improvement of shelters and water points.

Improve safety:

Implement fire safety measures within shelters.

Project Objectives:

The project seeks to achieve the following objectives:

1. Protection:

Address the protection concerns of refugees and host communities residing in Rohingya refugee camps and surrounding areas.

2. Improved living conditions:

Enhance the living conditions and access to clean drinking water for Rohingya families residing in Kutupalang refugee camp.

3. Sustainability:

Build capacity for sustainable operation, maintenance, and improvement of shelters and water points.

Process Monitoring:

As per the project proposal, process monitoring forms an integral part of the project management and aligns with the interests of the donors. This ongoing monitoring throughout the project lifecycle ensures accountability, transparency, and effective implementation.

SM Moinur Rahman’s process monitoring will likely focus on:

Project activities:

Assessing the status of planned activities against established timelines and milestones.

Resource utilization:

Evaluating the efficient and effective use of available resources, including financial and human resources.

Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms:

Assessing the effectiveness of established monitoring and evaluation systems in providing timely and accurate data.

Stakeholder engagement:

Assessing the level of engagement and satisfaction of project stakeholders, including refugees, host communities, and implementing partners.

Challenges and risks:

Identifying potential challenges and risks that may hinder project implementation and proposing mitigation strategies.

The findings and recommendations from the process monitoring will be crucial for:

Informing project implementation:

Providing data and insights to guide decision-making and ensure project activities are successfully executed.

Improving project management:

Identifying areas for improvement and implementing corrective actions to enhance project effectiveness.

Ensuring accountability to donors:

Demonstrating transparent and accountable use of donor funds and delivering project outcomes as per agreed objectives.

By undertaking this process monitoring, SM Moinur Rahman contributes to the successful implementation of the “Transitional Shelter and Wash Support for the Rohingya Refugees” project, ultimately improving the lives of vulnerable refugees and host communities in Cox’s Bazar.