Gender specialist expertise on right-based programming, advocacy, gender, social mobilization, project & partnership management, training and facilitation.

Gender Expert: End Line Evaluation of Enhancing the Participation of Community-based Organizations (CBOs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Democratic Governance in Bangladesh (EUCSO) project, the project is exclusively designed to work on geographically vulnerable areas (Char, Haor and Coast) Supported by Oxfam 2021.

Consultant: Gender Audit of Manusher Jonno Foundation and 30 partners across Bangladesh reviewing from the 7 thematic perspectives of their working modality, from Jan-March 2021.

Deputy Team Leader: Review disaster risk reduction of marginalized groups (persons with disability and coastal fisher folks in under the Disability-inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Network (DiDRRN) consortium and supported by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), 2019. 

At HEKS/EPER exclusively worked with most underprivileged ethnic communities’ women for their inclusive development; women empowerment through a special focus on economic empowerment from 2017 to 2020.