Baseline survey and training for the smallholder vegetable clusters.

SDC Agro, a vegetable marketing company, has teamed up with Feed the Future (FtF) Bangladesh to revolutionize farming for small vegetable growers in Bangladesh. They aim to equip farmers with the knowledge and resources to produce high-value vegetables that are in demand, earning them premium prices for their top-quality crops. To measure the success of this initiative, DevMaker Consulting surveyed farmers in Faridpur and Rajbari districts, assessing their current situation and establishing benchmarks for future progress.

The consultants studied various aspects of vegetable farming, including production methods, access to resources, support services, and current marketing channels. Based on their findings, they recommended training programs for farmers focused on growing high-value crops, harvesting them properly, and selling them to high-end consumers for greater profit.

DevMaker recognized the needs of the farmers and tailored training modules to help them reach markets for their high-value produce. These modules, designed for 4,000 smallholder farmers organized into clusters, covered all aspects of production, harvesting, and marketing based on Good Agriculture Practice (BGAP) guidelines.

A total of 4,000 farmers across 5 Upazilas in Faridpur and Rajbari Districts received training to improve their vegetable farming practices. The training covered various aspects, including production methods, access to resources, support services, and marketing channels.

Based on their findings, the consultants recommended further training programs specifically focused on growing high-value crops, harvesting them properly, and selling them to high-end consumers for greater profit.