In the context of unprecedented change in local, national, and international affairs, Coast Foundation has developed a new vision aligning with the changing socio, economic and technological context to work as a facilitating social change organization. Coast Foundation will focus on the improvement of coastal livelihood through the engagement of government, the private sector, and local communities to improve social and economic opportunities and protect people in environmental and humanitarian crises. The mission of the Coast Foundation is to improve the household income of the coastal people and at the same time develop the resiliency of the local community to respond to emergencies to save lives and protect people in humanitarian crises. Coast Foundation will use its advocacy skills for effective social and economic changes for people living in the coastal regions and develop itself as a center of excellence and champion for the improvement of coastal livelihood. 

The nature of social and economic interventions is changing with the changing needs and priorities in the coastal areas. The development partners are more diverse, looking for new and meaningful perspectives, experiences, and capacities in the overall social change development process. Informed, capacitated, and empowered communities are changing the way development organizations work, and development actors are increasingly focusing on the vulnerable, underserved, and affected populations. Leading development organizations are committed to strengthening partnerships across sectors – government, private sector, and non-profits, to improve impact, results, efficiency, and effectiveness, and empower local actors.

Coast Foundation is also committed to putting gender equality at the core of its work and puts children and youths as the priority in all its interventions. In a dynamically changing and evolving development sector, building strong cross-sectoral partnerships based on mutual respect, trust, and benefits is more important than ever. By working together Coast Foundation can develop effective synergy to strengthen its community development interventions more effectively and will collectively be able to do more for the people in the coastal area. Coast Foundation is streamlining its program activities and refocusing its core mandates, embracing the new role of a facilitator. Coast Foundation understands that to be effective, it must be, and be perceived by others to be, a trusted and collaborative social change partner and a unique center of excellence for coastal livelihood improvement.

Coast Foundation, too, recognizes this change and intervenes more concretely for a positive change. Coast Foundation is inspired by the new vision and believes in the new mission, and is developing its leadership, management, and its operational framework.

With a strong community-based micro-finance experience, Coast Foundation’s new role is to support, coordinate and facilitate the social and economic development in the coastal area as it adapts to a shifting landscape. Coast Foundation is committed to becoming a more accountable, agile, effective, transparent, and collaborative organization.