Mr. Rahman is a highly specialized livelihood development and resilient microfinance & SME program management professional, a visionary and innovative leader. Having 30 years long experience in working with prestigious MFIs in the country. Besides the overall microfinance program, he is highly experienced in Shariah-based microfinance programs in agriculture financing and diversified shock resilient crops, poultry, and livestock products.

A seasoned professional in digital financial service takes up programs experienced in next-gen solution use by rural and non-urban population. Mr. Rahman’s role as the Project Manager and Lead Training Program Developer to design and develop gender-sensitive Digital Literacy capacity-building resources, including training modules and learning materials for the USAID-funded Digital Frontiers program to support the Feed the Future (FTF) Bangladesh Digital Agriculture Activity implemented by DAI, enabled him to gain the requisite skills in the design and development of all-out digital solutions targeting greater outreach of awareness and capacity-building support services for farmers and agri-value chain actors through digital platforms.

During his time as Assistant Executive Director at SUPPORT for Rural Advancement Society, he gained the required skills to teach his organization’s staff and beneficiaries about emerging digital solutions targeting greater outreach of financial and business development support services for microfinance beneficiaries. Utilizing this experience and leveraging it, Mr. Rahman led the training program of 2,000-woman dairy entrepreneurs across northern Bangladesh to promote the use of digital financial services such as agent banking services and digital business financial management services.

He has conducted a number of Value chain project with the POs PKSF for the vegetable, poultry and livestock farmers in Dhaka, Faridpur, and Pirojpur District to help to increase rural incomes by create employment generation, catalyzing and developing competitive and inclusive agricultural market systems for the agriculture producers during his tenure of services in Resource Integration Center (RIC). He has designed appropriate climate resilient agriculture loan products for the vulnerable groups and marginal farmers in developing their livelihood in the coastal belt. Mr. Rahman has directly implemented the PKSF funded project SHAHOS and Rescue for the SIDR victims and conducted numerous training and capacity development activities to prepare the coastal people in agriculture firming to a disaster resilient approach.

Mr. Rahman has worked with Market Development Forum (MDF) to support the private sector to develop improved products, and services and integrating smallholder crops producers with the high-end market by utilizing advance technology including improved variety seed, fertilizer, pesticide, compost and harvesting equipment’s.  For Muslim Aid Bangladesh, Mr. Rahman was involved to design Islamic Development Bank funded disaster resilient livelihood rehabilitation project “Fael Khair” for the agriculture farmers including fisherman, poultry farming, cattle rearing, traders, input sellers, and small medium entrepreneurs in agriculture produce. To work with Support for Rural advancement society, Mr. Rahman has experienced by deploying agriculture loan product for the vulnerable women group in Jessore, Rajshahi, the char (sand bank) dwellers in Gaibandha, Rangpur, and Kurigram District under the whole planet Foundation’s livelihood project to build resilience in all kind of natural disaster in North East region.

Mr. Rahman is a Frontline Negotiator and an active community member of Center of Competence on Humanitarian Negotiations (CCHN) Switzerland; which is a joint initiative of five humanitarian agencies: the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, the International Committee of the Red CrossMédecins Sans Frontières Switzerland, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and the United Nations World Food Programme. He has participated in the Fall retreat 2021 in Caux, Switzerland along with various conflict management training programs of CCHN by practicing the famous negotiation tools known as “Naivasha Grid”. Mr. Rahman now has become a Facilitator of CCHN and facilitating in the Online Peer Workshops on regular basis.