Bridging the Digital Divide for Bangladesh’s Agricultural Value Chain: A Capacity Building Initiative


In response to the growing importance of digital literacy for agricultural success, the USAID-DAI LLC, Washington, Digital Frontiers project, in collaboration with DevMaker Consulting, is launching a digital Literacy capacity-building initiative for agricultural value chain actors in Bangladesh. This initiative addresses the identified skill gaps and empowers farmers, input sellers, output buyers, service providers, and government officials to leverage digital tools for improved productivity, financial security, and overall well-being.


Bangladesh’s “Digital Bangladesh” and “Vision 2041” agendas highlight the crucial role of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and digital literacy in driving agricultural development. However, existing studies reveal significant gaps in digital access and skill levels, particularly among women and older farmers. This lack of digital literacy hinders their ability to fully participate in the digitalized agricultural economy and access essential services and resources.

Key Findings of the Training Needs Assessment (TNA):

Addressing the Digital Divide:

The Digital Literacy Capacity Building initiative will directly address these identified gaps by:

Expected Outcomes:

By equipping agricultural value chain actors with the necessary digital skills, this initiative aims to achieve the following outcomes:


The Digital Literacy Capacity Building initiative is a critical step towards bridging the digital divide in Bangladesh’s agricultural sector. By empowering value chain actors with the skills they need to thrive in a digitally-driven economy, this initiative has the potential to unlock significant gains in productivity, food security, and overall prosperity for the nation.